3 Men Cycling

To be fit and healthy you have to be physically active. Regularly exercising  keeps those doctors trips to a minimum and fighting against those serious diseases like obesity, heart disease, cancer, mental illness, diabetes and a host more. Take it from me when I say cycling regularly reduces tiredness, fatigue and makes you feel amazing. 

Cycling is a very healthy, low impact exercise that anyone can get up and do, from old to young, from 65kg and beyond. You don’t have to be an expert to really enjoy cycling, all you need is you, a bike and the open country roads (or a city if you’re in the centre!).

Scientists say it only takes 2-4 hours per week to improve your health. Cycling above all:

  • Is low impact – less strain than other exercises.
  • Great muscular workout – it uses all of the major muscle groups. 
  • Easy – It’s not like running, I promise!
  • Strength and stamina – And it’s great for your aerobic fitness. 
  • Mixed intensity – There are gears, hills, slopes and you can gradually work into how hard you want to cycle, whether you are casual or aiming to be professional. 
  • Fun – Cycling is one of the funnest ways to get fit, the adventure is amazing and that feeling coasting down a hill is second to none!

Health Benefits 

Cycling is mainly an aerobic based activity, which means it will improve your overall fitness level. 

To list a few of the benefits of regular cycling:

  • Improved cardio fitness
  • Improved muscle strength
  • Improved joint mobility
  • Decrease in stress levels
  • Improvement in posture 
  • Stronger bones
  • Lower body fat levels
  • Reduced anxiety and depression

Cycling is brilliant for your overall body and fitness, it’s ability to combat obesity, cardiovascular disease, cancer, diabetes and many more puts it a league above the rest when it comes to exercise and intensity. So many other forms of exercise can’t compare, as with running you have to run at least 8 times before you gain enough fitness to enjoy it and will always be pushing through painful boundaries, whereas with cycling it is leisurely and fun.

Things to remember

  • Cycling can really help protect you and your body from many mental and physical harms
  • It is healthy, fun and a low impact exercise for all ages
  • It is easy to fit into a daily routine, whether you ride to work, the shops, the park or school

Cycle to Work

The government has a scheme that runs with most workplaces where you can essentially buy your bike tax free and split the payments from your salary over 10/12 months. This opens the door to choosing a more affordable bike, or getting that upgrade you always wanted!

In conclusion

Whether you’re a novice, someone stuck on the couch or a seasoned sportsman, cycling can be the game changer you really need for your health. The lack of impact and the multitude of cardio benefits really puts cycling at the top of the pile. For more fitness tips, check out my Fitness category here


By Mike

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