Shoe about to slip on banana peel

Injuries are unfortunately a natural part of exercise that most people will experience. However, foot injuries can be particularly frustrating. As well as stopping you from exercising, they will impose restrictions on your daily life.

It’s likely that you will need a period of rest and recuperation from the injury. Once you begin the return to exercise, though, it’s imperative that you implement a winning strategy. Here are five things you must do.

#1. Keep rebuilding muscles and movement

Foot and ankle injuries may only take weeks to recover to a point where you can exercise without pain. However, it may be months before the strength and movement are fully restored. Finding a podiatrist near me is an essential step that will enable you to gain tailored advice and exercises for your injury. Following them as directed helps you return to full fitness while also reducing the threat of future problems.

Ignore this, and there is a far greater chance that you will be back out of action within a few months.

#2. Limit prolonged stress on the feet

Once you are able to exercise again, you’ll be eager to get your sneakers back on. While you can certainly enjoy light drills, it’s probably best to avoid long runs or stressful activities. Physical fatigue can increase the risk of repeat injuries, especially when joints are still weak and vulnerable. If you are planning on long runs, for example, you must incorporate regular breaks during the session. 

You may feel comfortable and as though your foot is back to its best. But doing too much too soon will cause more harm than good. 


Man running at canalside

#3. Find low-impact exercise

Easing your way back into sports and running is a great solution. However, you should also try to mix things up with low-impact exercises. Swimming and cycling stand out as two fantastic solutions. They put minimal strain on the ankle or foot while still aiding the restoration of movement. Of course, both of these exercises are great for cardio as well as strengthening different muscle groups.

Besides, trying new exercises is a lot of fun. In many cases, you’ll develop transferable skills for your main sport too.

#4. Wear supportive attire

Wearing the right attire for exercise isn’t just a case of looking good to make you feel good. Finding ankle supports online, for example, can provide the added stability you need. While getting used to the product can take a few minutes, you’ll also feel far greater comfort as the session continues. Depending on the injury and your circumstances, it may be necessary to change to a different type of footwear too.

Whether you have to wear the support for weeks, months, or years doesn’t matter. The most important thing is that you will avoid repeat injuries.

#5. Recover after sessions

You appreciated the importance of resting directly after the injury. Now, you need to acknowledge its significance after exercise. Many people find that ice baths or foot massages are helpful. Above all else, though, you need to sleep well. Locating a sleep expert near me could be necessary if you have not slept well since the injury. Getting enough hours for your body to repair itself will allow you to keep exercising for the long haul.

Aside from aiding your foot or ankle, improved sleep will reduce your stress levels. In turn, this should enhance virtually all aspects of your world.

By Mike

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