Some people are natural entertainers – it comes completely natural to them and when they are entertaining guests at home, they really are the host with the most. However, some people struggle to make guests feel as comfortable as they’d like in their home. Luckily, this is a skill that can be learned, so let’s take a look at some top tips to make sure the next time someone stays at your home they feel extremely comfortable.

Fill diffusers with beautiful smells

Nobody wants to sleep in a guest room that’s musty and dusty. If the room hasn’t been used in a while, there’s a chance it will smell this way. Make sure this isn’t the case by refreshing the room before your guests arrive. Open the windows to air the room out, and change the bedding so it smells homely and fresh. Then, add a scent diffuser in the room to fill the space with beautiful smells your guests are sure to love. Any restlessness or anxieties they may have about being away from their own homes will melt away and allow them to properly relax in your home.

Prep the bathroom

Using the bathroom in a home that isn’t yours is never easy, so it’s important to make things easy for your guests. Make sure they have plenty of toilet paper, enough towels for their face, body, hands and hair, and supply them with some products for bathing and cleaning – just in case they forgot anything. You could also make sure you’ve got Berker Frames for your sockets in the bathroom in case they need to plug in a razor or charge their toothbrush. These small touches won’t go unnoticed, and using the bathroom during their stay will become a much more comfortable experience.

Make getting the WiFi password easy

Everyone uses WiFi in this day and age, but it seems rude to ask your host for the password – it’s as if they’re bored and want to scroll on their phones. Save them any trouble by putting the information in their bedroom and leaving a sign next to your router. Guests will appreciate being able to be in touch with other friends and family during their stay, and will love the fact they didn’t have to ask.

Light up your hallways

Having hallway lights will help your guests navigate through your home if they wake needing the bathroom or simply can’t sleep. Having lights on also means they won’t have to disturb anyone else in the household and they can occupy themselves to their leisure. Be sure to leave mugs, coffee, tea and snacks out so they can help themselves while waiting for everyone else to wake up.

Have a meal ready for their arrival

Finally, if your guests have travelled far and wide, there’s a good chance they’re going to be pretty hungry when they arrive. Have a meal ready when they get there or offer some sort of appetisers to tide them over until meal time. They’ll really appreciate the gesture, and so will their empty stomachs!

By Mike

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