Florida man lunacy

Florida Man Lunacy – Disabled Veteran Assaulted

Florida man Lunacy at its peak when a Florida man assaulted a disabled veteran in a theater, after the veteran asked the Florida man to politely move from his reserved seat.

According to the police, the veteran had gone to the Hollywood movie Mission Impossible: Dead Reckoning Part One, at the theatre of Pompano Beach, on the 10th of July. 


Florida Man July 10 – The Story

On Florida Man July 10 the veteran asked the Florida man to move from his seat politely, and asked if he would sit somewhere else, however the young man became instantly aggressive and began attacking the elderly veteran in a moment of Florida man lunacy. 

As the Florida man July 10 became aggressive, the elderly veteran stumbled, losing his balance and falling backwards onto the steps and then became the victim of a barrage of punches to the face.


Florida Man Lunacy: The Exchange:

Florida Man July 10 Conversation:

“Excuse me, you are in our seats, please can you move to another seat?”

The Florida man stared at the veteran without response. 

Vet: “You guys can just keep the seats”

As the veteran began to walk away, the Florida man began to speak:

Florida Man: “Go run to your wife little boy”. 

Vet: “I’m not the one who’s being a little boy, you took my seats and you didn’t apologize and then didn’t say thank you when I let you keep them”. 


Florida Man July 10: The Attack

The Florida man then proceeded to jump up, ready to fight the veteran. 

The veteran was backed up into the stairs and proceeded to fall, and as soon as he fell he felt like a ‘boxer on the ropes’ as the Florida man went to town on him. He believed he never had the chance to defend himself, as it all happened so fast.

The police are still on the lookout for the Florida man lunacy, however they have video footage of the man’s face, so it is just a matter of time until they find him. 

If you want to read more about the story and see footage of the event, follow this link to the MSN news article. If you are region locked, a sister article has been placed on Fox News, here.


Our Florida Man Lunacy Thoughts

We’re in disbelief that someone would assault a veteran, a man who had given so much for this country already, to be disrespected by a young man in a theatre. For those of you who are interested in more Florida Man stories, we’re creating a Florida man news section on the website, where we will follow all things weird and wacky going on in Florida. 

We can’t seem to keep up with the daily news, however we’ll be posting the best picks from across the news for you to read, see and enjoy here at Mikearthur.co.uk.

We would just like to take a moment to say thank you to our incredible readers for joining us on our news journey so far, and who came to explore the crazy world of Florida Man News.

You guys are amazing, and the response to the article has really been mind blowing, we’re completely stoked that you share our love for Florida Man news, and all things bizarre around Florida.

We’ll keep digging up those amazing, wild, and horrific stories because your enthusiasm is what fuels our passion for digging up these crazy stories.

So as a personal thank you from us, we’re giving you all the biggest virtual high fives, and a huge thanks for being with us on this journey.

Stay awesome, stay amazing, and keep on laughing.


By Mike

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