City cruise

When we think of a holiday, we usually think of a stay in a luxury hotel or maybe a self-
catered apartment. While these offer us benefits in terms of comfort and convenience, for
many people they lack a bit of excitement and adventure.
If you’re looking for something a little bit different, a holiday that can sate your appetite for
action, adventure, and exploration, then a road trip could be just the thing. Whether you’re
touring the US or southern Europe, a road trip can be a fantastic way to get out there and
see the world. We’ve put together a list of three ideas for things you can do on your next
summer road trip.

Go City Hopping

As we touched on earlier, road trips offer you an unparalleled sense of freedom and
independence. Paying a week or two in a hotel can leave you feeling obliged to spend time
there to get your money’s worth. Road trips carry no such obligation, you can simply pick up
and go whenever you feel like it.
You can pack in so much activity into a road trip. Hopping from city to city can be
exhilarating, giving you the chance to sample different cultures and ways of life all within a
relatively short timeframe. If you visit somewhere, you really like, you’ll be free to stay for
longer. Conversely, if somewhere you have arrived at isn’t doing it for you, you easily pack
up and move on.

Explore The Wilderness

Visiting a resort or an all-inclusive hotel can be luxurious and lavish, but for some people it
can feel a little bit disconnected from the real world. By going on a road trip, you’ll be
immersing yourself in a country, you’ll be able to visit and meet real people places.
Going on a road trip gives you near endless options. If you’re a fan of nature and the
outdoors, you’ll easily be able to explore the countryside and the wilderness. For example, if
you’re taking a road trip around the US, why not visit Yellowstone National Park? If you’re in
the UK, head north to Scotland and explore the Cairngorms National Park.

Take A Cruise

Taking a cruise might not be the first thing that comes to mind when thinking about things
you can do on a road trip, but that’s the beauty of this kind of holiday. You won’t be tied
down to any one place or activity, the choice is yours to do what you want, where you want,
wherever you want.
If you feel like you need a break from driving, book a cruise and swap the tarmac for the
clear blue ocean waters. Cruises can be a fantastic way to relax and see some incredible
scenery. You can park up your car at your departure port, enjoy the cruise and then be
returned to exactly where you started and start driving again to a new destination.

If you are taking a cruise, it is worthwhile taking an additional insurance policy for this.
Providers like Staysure can cover you should you miss a departure or have a last-minute


If you’ve decided to go on road trip for your summer holiday this year, you’ve made a
fantastic choice. A road trip can give you a once-in-a-lifetime experience where you’ll have
the chance to make memories that will last a lifetime. Think about the ideas we’ve
suggested and see if you can find some inspiration for your next trip.

By Mike

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